Sounds can be copied one at a time from a sound library and then pasted into another library or into the sound file of a game. This is very slow and tedious! It's much easier to just duplicate the whole Sound Library, then rename it to go with your game. Enter the new name into the World Data of your game. When your game is finished, be sure to delete any unused sounds from your game's sound library.
You can also make your own sounds using a MacRecorder or other recording device. Save the sounds in the SoundEdit format, then use Sound Converter to convert them to WB sound format. If you are using the built-in sound recording capability of your Mac, you will need additional software to convert your sounds to the SoundEdit format. I use SoundEdit Pro, a commercial product. There are some shareware programs that can also be used to edit sounds and change formats. Look for them on America Online and other services.
Sounds MUST be saved at 11k sampling rate for proper conversion!
Some objects, such as weapons or magic spells, can use sound automatically. Just enter the name of the sound into the appropriate section of the Object Data. You can also have a sound playing in a scene, such as crickets or birds chirping. Again, just enter the name of the sound into the Scene Data, and include the number of times you want it to repeat each minute. WARNING! Repetitive sound playing gets real annoying! In nearly all cases, you should keep scene sounds short, and only play them once each minute. If you don't, you run the risk of making people dislike your game.
You can use code to play sounds too. Here's an example of a World Builder sound statement:
Of course, this should be part of a conditional statement, so that the sound only plays at the correct time. Here's an example:
PRINT{You don't have a gun.}
PRINT{The bullet fails to penetrate the lock!}
If you want to have a sound play more than once, just repeat the sound statement as many times as needed.